Early Childhood Measures Exchange

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I have a copy or copies of this assessment that I am willing to loan out to other researchers after meeting with them.
I have a copy or copies of this assessment that other researchers could examine. The copy or copies cannot leave my office.
I have expertise and/or experience with this assessment and am willing to answer questions about it.
This assessment is publicly available.

Domain Measure Name Availability Name Campus Email
Literacy/Reading Assessment 2 Instruction (A2i) Online Literacy Assessments
Amanda Prokasky UNMC aprokasky@unmc.edu
Cognitive Development Woodcock-Johnson III - Form A*
Amanda Prokasky UNMC aprokasky@unmc.edu
Cognitive Development Woodcock-Johnson III - Form B*
Amanda Prokasky UNMC aprokasky@unmc.edu
Behavior Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function - Preschool (BRIEF-P)*
Amanda Witte UNL awitte2@unl.edu
Behavior Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function, Second Edition (BRIEF2)*
Amanda Witte UNL awitte2@unl.edu
Literacy/Reading Expressive Vocabulary Test*
Amanda Witte UNL awitte2@unl.edu
Behavior Parent Daily Report
Amanda Witte UNL awitte2@unl.edu
Behavior Pre-School Learning Behaviors Scale (PLBS)
Amanda Witte UNL awitte2@unl.edu
Social/Emotional Social Skills Improvement System (SSIS)*
Amanda Witte UNL awitte2@unl.edu
Literacy/Reading Woodcock-Johnson III*
Amanda Witte UNL awitte2@unl.edu
STEM (Science, Math) Woodcock-Johnson III*
Amanda Witte UNL awitte2@unl.edu
Communication/Language Woodcock-Muñoz Language Survey
Amanda Witte UNL awitte2@unl.edu
Cognitive Development Bracken School Readiness Assessment, Third Edition (BSRA-3)*
Amy Napoli UNL amynapoli@unl.edu
Cognitive Development Dimensional Change Card Sort (DCCS)
Amy Napoli UNL amynapoli@unl.edu
Communication/Language Expressive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test (EOWPVT)*
Amy Napoli UNL amynapoli@unl.edu
Cognitive Development Head-Toes-Knees-Shoulders Task (HTKS)
Amy Napoli UNL amynapoli@unl.edu
STEM (Science, Math) Preschool Early Numeracy Skills Screener (PENS)
Amy Napoli UNL amynapoli@unl.edu
Communication/Language Receptive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test*
Amy Napoli UNL amynapoli@unl.edu
Social/Emotional Social Problem Solving
Amy Napoli UNL amynapoli@unl.edu
Cognitive Development Sun/Moon Stroop Task
Amy Napoli UNL amynapoli@unl.edu
Cognitive Development Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, 4th Edition
Amy Napoli UNL amynapoli@unl.edu
STEM (Science, Math) Test of Early Mathematics Ability (TEMA-3)*
Amy Napoli UNL amynapoli@unl.edu
Communication/Language Test of Language Development (TOLD)*
Amy Napoli UNL amynapoli@unl.edu
Literacy/Reading Test of Preschool Early Literacy (TOPEL)*
Amy Napoli UNL amynapoli@unl.edu
Cognitive Development Woodcock-Johnson III - Tests of Achievement*
Amy Napoli UNL amynapoli@unl.edu
Nutrition/Health Actigraphy
Brett Kuhn UNMC brkuhn@unmc.edu
Nutrition/Health Pediatric Sleep Diary
Brett Kuhn UNMC brkuhn@unmc.edu
Cognitive Development Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (Checklist)*
Carrie Clark UNL cclark4@unl.edu
Cognitive Development In-House Measures of Inhibitory Control, Numerosity, Working Memory
Carrie Clark UNL cclark4@unl.edu
Cognitive Development Kaufman Brief Intelligence Assessment
Carrie Clark UNL cclark4@unl.edu
Cognitive Development Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement*
Carrie Clark UNL cclark4@unl.edu
Literacy/Reading Test of Preschool Early Literacy (TOPEL)*
Carrie Clark UNL cclark4@unl.edu
Physical Development Accelerometers
Danae Dinkel UNO dmdinkel@unomaha.edu
Physical Development Affordances in the Home Environment Motor Development Scale (AHEMD)
Danae Dinkel UNO dmdinkel@unomaha.edu
Physical Development Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development 3rd Edition (Bayley-III)*
Danae Dinkel UNO dmdinkel@unomaha.edu
Physical Development Skinfold Calipers
Danae Dinkel UNO dmdinkel@unomaha.edu
Cognitive Development Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children 5th Edition (WISC-V)*
Julia Torquati UNL jtorquati1@unl.edu
Other Play Assessment and Intervention System
Lisa Kelly-Vance UNO lkelly-vance@unomaha.edu
Behavior The Devereux Early Childhood Assessment (DECA)
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Cognitive Development Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function - Preschool (BRIEF-P)*
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Cognitive Development Bracken Basic Concept Scale - Revised (BBCS-R)*
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Cognitive Development Communicative Development Inventories (MacArthur-Bates) 2nd edition
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Cognitive Development Ages & Stages Questionnaires 2 months-48 months 3rd Edition (ASQ-3)
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Communication/Language Bilingual Early Language Assessment (BELA)
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Communication/Language Get Ready to Read! Revised (GRTR Screener)
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Communication/Language Test of Preschool Early Literacy (TOPEL)*
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Communication/Language Communicative Development Inventories (MacArthur-Bates) 2nd edition
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Communication/Language Bracken Basic Concept Scale - Revised (BBCS-R)*
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Literacy/Reading Bracken Basic Concept Scale - Revised (BBCS-R)*
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Literacy/Reading Communicative Development Inventories (MacArthur-Bates) 2nd edition
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
STEM (Science, Math) Bracken Basic Concept Scale - Revised (BBCS-R)*
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Communication/Language Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning (DIAL-4)*
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Behavior Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning (DIAL-4)*
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Cognitive Development Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning (DIAL-4)*
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Communication/Language Expressive Vocabulary Test - 2*
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Communication/Language Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-IV)*
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Literacy/Reading Bilingual Early Language Assessment (BELA)
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Literacy/Reading Get Ready to Read! Revised (GRTR Screener)
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Literacy/Reading Test of Preschool Early Literacy (TOPEL)*
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Literacy/Reading Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS)
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Communication/Language Preschool Language Scales 5th Edition (PLS-5)*
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Behavior Social Skills Rating Scale - Parent
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Behavior Social Skills Rating Scale - Teacher
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Literacy/Reading Test of Preschool Early Literacy (TOPEL)*
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Literacy/Reading Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS)
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Communication/Language Woodcock-Muñoz Language Survey-Revised (WMLS-R)*
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Physical Development Ages & Stages Questionnaires 2 months-48 months 3rd Edition (ASQ-3)
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Social/Emotional Ages & Stages Questionnaires®: Social-Emotional 2nd Edition (ASQ3-SE2)
Lisa Knoche UNL lknoche2@unl.edu
Behavior Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) Ages 1.5-5*
Patty Kuo UNL pkuo2@unl.edu
Social/Emotional Children's Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ-VS)  
Patty Kuo UNL pkuo2@unl.edu
Behavior Salk Institute Sociability Questionnaire
Philip Lai UNK laipt@unk.edu
Cognitive Development Salk Institute Sociability Questionnaire
Philip Lai UNK laipt@unk.edu
Communication/Language Salk Institute Sociability Questionnaire
Philip Lai UNK laipt@unk.edu
Social/Emotional Salk Institute Sociability Questionnaire
Philip Lai UNK laipt@unk.edu
Physical Development Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS)
Sandra Willett UNMC swillett@unmc.edu
Physical Development General Movement Assessment
Sandra Willett UNMC swillett@unmc.edu
Physical Development Test of Infant Motor Performance*
Sandra Willett UNMC swillett@unmc.edu
Communication/Language Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals (CELF)*
Yingying Wang UNL yingying.wang@unl.edu
Communication/Language Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (CTOPP)*
Yingying Wang UNL yingying.wang@unl.edu
Communication/Language Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (KBIT)*
Yingying Wang UNL yingying.wang@unl.edu
Other Neuroimaging Tools
Yingying Wang UNL yingying.wang@unl.edu
Literacy/Reading Test of Word Reading Efficiency (TOWRE)*
Yingying Wang UNL yingying.wang@unl.edu
Communication/Language Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)*
Yingying Wang UNL yingying.wang@unl.edu
Literacy/Reading Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests, 3rd Edition (WRMT-III)*
Yingying Wang UNL yingying.wang@unl.edu

*This measure has a Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) review available through your academic library databases. To access the MMY review, go to your campus' library homepage, then find the Resources tab or menu to select Databases. From the alphabetical listing of databases, select M and locate and select Mental Measurements Yearbook database from the list. The database will allow you to search using a variety of fields, including test name or acronym.
Please note that measure availability may change. Contact researchers directly to verify availability.

Additional Resources

Oscar K. Buros Library of Mental Measurements
The Oscar K. Buros Library is a specialized reference library containing publications of the Buros Institute, and what is generally regarded as the world’s largest collection of tests and testing materials.
A Toolkit for Measuring Early Childhood Development in Low and Middle-Income Countries
The Toolkit provides a practical, “how-to” guide for selection and adaptation of child development measurements for use in low-and middle-income countries.
Explore SEL
Explore SEL is designed as a navigator for the field of social and emotional learning. The site provides information and tools that summarize and connect the major frameworks and skills in the field to support transparency and informed decision-making.
Social-Emotional Learning Assessment Technical Guidebook
The Buros Center for Testing developed a user-friendly technical guidebook to assist educators in selecting and using social and emotional learning (SEL) assessments with students in PreK through Grade 12. The guide provides resources for identifying an SEL assessment, questions to ask when evaluating measurement quality, and recommendations for appropriate assessment use.